Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette  Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette,
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Working With Us

The Redevelopment Authority issues Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) to secure contractors who assist with implementation of a wide variety of projects administered by the Authority. 

For additional information or to be added to the Authority's mailing list, contractors should contact Jim Rabatin, Public Improvements Director.


MBE-WBE-DBE Statement

The County of Fayette, Pennsylvania and The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette, Pennsylvania (RACF) encourage participation of Minority, Women, and Disadvantaged  Business Enterprises (MBE/WBE/DBE) in contracts funded by community development programs receiving funds from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and other Authority programs. If you are a MBE/WBE/DBE Enterprise and would like to be added to our mailing list*, please contact:

Community Development Compliance Specialist

724-437-1547, ext 207

*All firms added to our database will receive a copy of Bid Notices/Invitations to Bid for all contracts for which their service or commodity is relevant. Upon their request, participating MBE/WBE’/DBE’s will be provided a list of contractors that have obtained plans and specifications for the proposed work.

Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette