Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette  Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette,


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Stimulus Update
Stimulus Update

The Redevelopment Authority recently received funding through the 2008 Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) and the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). These Acts provided one-time funding to support housing, weatherization, homelessness prevention, transportation, and infrastructure projects within the County.

The U.S. Congress passed HERA legislation in 2008 to assist states with the housing foreclosure crisis. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania received $59.6 million in HERA funds, and, of that amount, the Redevelopment Authority applied for and received an initial Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) grant of $1.8 million. The intent of this funding is to help "stabilize" neighborhoods with a high incidence of foreclosure. The Redevelopment Authority is targeting its funding towards Uniontown, Connellsville, and Masontown, where it will purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed homes, build new homes, and demolish dilapidated, blighted homes.

The Redevelopment Authority recently applied for and received an additional $600,000 in NSP funding. This second round of funding, which will be used to construct three new homes in Uniontown and three new homes in Masontown, was awarded to the Authority, in large part, due to the success of its Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

NSP funds have been used for the following activities:

  • Construction of 3 new homes in Masontown (construction is in process for 6 additional new homes)
  • Construction of 3 new homes in Uniontown (in process)
  • Acquisition and rehabilitation of 2 foreclosed homes in Connellsville
  • Acquisition and rehabilitation of 6 foreclosed homes in Uniontown
  • Demolition of 2 abandoned, blighted homes in Connellsville
  • Demolition of 15 abandoned, blighted homes in Uniontown

The Redevelopment Authority will continue to construct new homes, acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed homes, and demolish abandoned, blighted homes until it has exhausted all of its NSP funding.

The U.S. Congress passed ARRA legislation in 2009 to help stimulate the economy during the recent recession. This Act included funding for a wide range of government programs and initiatives, and the Redevelopment Authority received funding for the following:

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program – The Redevelopment Authority received $448,000 for its CDBG program. This funding has been used to implement or expand a number of infrastructure projects throughout the County.
  • Weatherization Program – Through ARRA, the Authority received an additional $4.0 million in funding for weatherization assistance. With this funding, the Authority will weatherize 530 homes in Fayette County and the Authority will hire a number of new staff for its Weatherization Program.
  • Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) – The Redevelopment Authority is working with the Fayette County Community Action Agency to administer a $557,862 HPRP grant. The proceeds from this grant will be used to offer homeless and near homeless individuals and families in Fayette County a number of human services including case management, legal services, and financial assistance.
  • U.S. Department of Transportation/Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) – The Redevelopment Authority is administering a $923,540 grant that was used to construct a Transit Service Center for Fayette Area Coordinated Transportation (FACT). This service center, which is located at the Fayette County Business Park, will be a full-service facility where passengers can purchase tickets, obtain local tourism information, and access a waiting area. The facility will also include a park and ride lot.
Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette