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Housing Programs  


Homeowner Rehabilitation Program
The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette has successfully administered housing rehabilitation programs for over 39 years, facilitating improvements to more than 1,560 households since 1975. With the advent of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program in 1992, the Authority implemented a county-wide Homeowner Rehabilitation Program in cooperation with the eleven (11) CDBG Entitlement Townships of Bullskin, Dunbar, Georges, German, Luzerne, Menallen, North Union, Redstone, South Union, Washington, and Wharton. In addition to HOME and CDBG funds, the Authority’s Homeowner Rehabilitation Program is also supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Service and County Act 137 funds.

The Homeowner Rehabilitation Program assists homeowners through the provision of no interest rehabilitation loans. In order to qualify for assistance, homeowners must be considered low or moderate income as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Persons wishing to receive assistance should contact the Redevelopment Authority. For additional information and answers to frequently asked questions, visit the Homeowner Rehabilitation Fact Sheet and the Homeowner Rehabilitation Brochure.



Homebuyer Development Program

The Fayette County Redevelopment Authority Homebuyer Development Program provides assistance to low- and moderate-income families purchasing single-family homes throughout Fayette County. Assistance through this program may be provided in the form of: Homeownership Counseling, Down-Payment and Closing Cost Assistance and Gap-Financing. View our Homebuyer Development Program Brochure for more information.


Lead Hazard Control Program

The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette offers a Lead Hazard Control Program aimed at helping families remove lead-based paint hazards from their homes. The program provides financial assistance in the form of a grant to prevent and alleviate future lead poisoning in children. Families with children ages six years or younger may apply to receive up to $8,000 assistance (based on income).

The program is made possible by funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Lead-based paint Hazard Control Program and the Pennsylvania Department of Health (DOH).

For additional information on the program and lead hazard facts, please see our Lead Paint Hazard Control Program Brochure. Persons interested in obtaining funding for hazard removal should call the Redevelopment Authority to apply.

         BEFORE     AFTER

Before and After Pictures


Three Oaks Homebuyer Development Project
The Redevelopment Authority also offers the Three Oaks Homebuyer Development Project in Redstone Township. This project is being developed in partnership with Threshold Housing Development, a local non-profit Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), and involves the construction of 14 new homes. Twelve of these homes will be built through Threshold's Self-Help Program, where prospective homeowners contribute up to 65% of construction labor, and 2 will be built by Threshold and sold to low-income families. All of the homes will have 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, will be Energy Star certified, have 2-car garages, a basement, front porch, and an average square footage of 1,270. Homebuyers will be able to select from a variety of floor plans.

Funding for this project is being provided through DCED's HOME Investment Partnerships Program and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).

Future Site of The Glenn at Three Oaks

Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette Redevelopment Authority of the County of Fayette